Trade-ins are more than welcome at Ariana Motors! Takeadvantage of our hassle-free financing options, available for all credit types.Ensure your peace of mind with our extended warranty offering. Virtual toursare also available upon request.
For inquiries about vehicle availability, give us a call orsend a text to (760) 481-9072. Visit us at 27941 Diaz Rd A, Temecula, CA 92590.
Please note that the listed price is firm and does not include tax, license,and fees. At Ariana Motors, we set our prices at wholesale value to the public,eliminating the need for haggling or negotiations.
Explore our complete inventory on our website. We happilyaccept trade-ins, welcome third-party inspectors, and offer outside financingoptions. Ariana Motors takes pride in delivering top-of-the-line cars with lowmileage and exceptional quality. Our mission is simple: to be the best in everyaspect of our business. We achieve this by providing an exceptional customerexperience, maintaining a positive workplace, and actively supporting ourcommunity.
As valued customers, you always deserve courteous and professional treatment.Expect honest information without evasiveness, prompt and efficient servicewith genuine concern for your time, and the assurance that the value of ourproducts and services equals or exceeds the purchase price.
Visit Ariana Motors online at( to view more pictures of our vehicles or callus at 760-481-9072 to schedule your test drive. Discover the excellence ofAriana Motors - where your satisfaction is our priority!